Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens Proposes FY24 Budget to Invest in Atlanta’s Future

Staff Report

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023

Mayor Andre Dickens is proposing a record investment in City services, prioritizing support for young people and making key investments in infrastructure, economic development and public safety as part of his Fiscal Year 2024 budget.

“This budget is our statement of intent to double down on the progress we have made and our commitment to making Atlanta the best place in the nation to raise a child,” wrote Mayor Dickens in his letter presenting the proposed budget to members of the Atlanta City Council. “In a city with the potential of ours, we can and should make all of the critical investments necessary to ensure that residents across Atlanta benefit from best-in-class service delivery in a safe environment focused on inclusive prosperity.”

The proposed $790 million General Fund budget is the largest in the City’s history. When combined with the aviation and watershed budgets and other funds under the City’s control, the City will have a nearly $2.5 billion direct economic impact for the fiscal year, backed by strong credit ratings and the largest reserves in Atlanta’s history. Among the highlights of the Mayor’s budget:

  • ●More than $8 million dedicated to the affordable housing trust fund, exceeding last year’s contribution by more than 15 percent;

  • ●A combined $6.2 million to purchase vehicles and equipment for our police and fire personnel, including expansion of our take-home car program that helps recruit and retain police officers;

  • $10 million toward continued premium pay and implementing a citywide cost-of-living adjustment for the second year in a row;

  • ●More than $1.25 million in new technology to support innovation across the City;

  • ●The establishment of Atlanta’s first-ever Department of Labor and Employment Services, delivering on a commitment to invest in workers and business growth; and

  • $10 million in capital improvements, to ensure that our City facilities match the caliber of the employees who work in them and the constituents we serve from them.

During Atlanta’s Year of the Youth, the proposed budget also calls for continued youth investments across the city, including:

  • ●$1.8 million in operations of our At-Promise Youth Centers;

  • ●$2 million in youth programming in the Department of Parks & Recreation;

  • ●$2.5 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds for summer youth employment; and

  • ●Additional youth centered investments across all City service areas.

The budget allows the Dickens Administration to double down on progress made over the last 16 months, during which the City has filled more than 12,000 potholes, cut 911 caller wait times, brought down violent crime, invested in Atlanta’s public safety personnel, began construction on thousands of affordable housing units, expanded the City’s greenspace by nearly 270 acres and more.

In addition to the investments made in the budget, the City has also begun deploying dollars from the $750 million Moving Atlanta Forward infrastructure package and has secured additional Federal infrastructure dollars for use in the City and the airport.

The proposed Fiscal Year 2024 budget covers the period July 2023 through June 2024. Read full details of the budget proposal here.