Atlanta-Based Thanks Mom & Dad Fund Distributes Hand Sanitizer and 1.3 Million Masks to Seniors Throughout Georgia, Thanks to an Anonymous Donor

Friday, December 18th, 2020

In what Maureen Kelly, president of Thanks Mom & Dad Fund, is calling “a wonderful conflux of timing, need and generosity”, an anonymous donor has made it possible for the nonprofit organization to distribute donated hand sanitizer and 1.3 million face masks to seniors throughout the state of Georgia, including metro Atlanta.  In addition, providers serving some of the seniors in their homes also received sanitizer and masks.  Delivery began statewide in early December and was completed mid-month, with masks made available to seniors in every Georgia county.

“Thanks Mom & Dad Fund is an Atlanta-based nonprofit that supports services for seniors statewide,” said Kelly.  “Seniors have suffered through the COVID-19 pandemic due to the health threat and the isolation caused by shutdowns and stay-at-home recommendations.  The situation has been especially difficult for seniors who are homebound and the people who serve them, many of whom have found it difficult to obtain personal protective equipment (PPE).  My team and I are so grateful to this donor who approached us with the idea of distributing an amazing number of masks and sanitizer – for free – to help keep our elderly citizens safe.  The timing couldn’t be better, as our country is experiencing a post-Thanksgiving surge in infections, hospitalizations and, sadly, deaths from COVID.”

Thanks Mom & Dad Fund partnered with a number of state agencies and organizations to deliver the donated supplies to elder Georgians.  The 1.3 million masks were distributed through 12 Area Agencies on Aging and their local providers, as well as through LeadingAge Georgia, Georgia Adult Protective Services and Long-Term Care Ombudsman.  Area Agencies on Aging foster independence and implement in-home services for seniors such as home-delivered meals and many other personal support services for the homebound.  LeadingAge Georgia has members serving older adults in low-income housing as well as in the community.  Georgia Adult Protective Service workers follow up reports of elder abuse, while Long-Term Care Ombudsman oversee the welfare of individuals who live in long-term care facilities such as nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

Thanks Mom and Dad Fund was created to honor parents, grandparents and mentors by supporting programs and services for older adults, and since 2003, has donated over $1.6 million to innovative senior initiatives.  Beginning in March 2020, Thanks Mom & Dad Fund began identifying and funding efforts to assist older Georgians during the COVID-19 pandemic, including addressing specific needs for meals, PPE for senior caregivers, and mental health services to combat the financial strain and social isolation experienced by older adults sheltering at home.  For more information, visit