Kennesaw State Professor Awarded NSF Grant to Research Solutions for Internet of Things

Travis Highfield

Thursday, August 19th, 2021

Kennesaw State University professor Kun Suo has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to develop solutions for highly efficient, low-power computing in the cloud.

Suo, an assistant professor of computer science in Kennesaw State’s College of Computing and Software Engineering, said the $173,000 grant will allow him to continue his research involving Internet of Things (IoT), or the interconnected network of computing devices embedded in everyday objects. One of KSU’s Summer Research Fellows, he said the NSF grant builds on seed funding he received through the Office of Research.

“Through the NSF grant, I will have the opportunity to explore the implications of edge computing and IoT, and develop approaches that can improve the performance of devices,” said Suo, who joined KSU’s Department of Computer Science in 2019. “By understanding which factors improve performance, we can work toward software solutions that ensure devices are operating to their full potential and improve the quality of life for their users.”

Suo’s research focuses on the operating systems that run IoT or “edge” computing devices, such as smart thermostats and lighting fixtures, and he plans to use the funding in order to develop a deeper understanding of how devices process large amounts of data and identify solutions that improve efficiency while reducing the amount of energy they consume. He plans to hire undergraduate and graduate student researchers to help conduct the study.

“Dr. Suo serves as an excellent example of how important it is for faculty members to seek out every possible funding opportunity in order to take their research passions to the next level,” said Phaedra Corso, vice president for research. “We look forward to see his solutions develop through this most recent grant and to witness the impact it generates on industry and the public at large.”