Exclusive Interview with CD-6 Candidate Meagan Hanson

Baker Owens

Wednesday, October 6th, 2021

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(Editor’s note: This is one of a series of articles in the months to come on candidates for statewide office.)

Meagan Hanson is a former state representative from Brookhaven-based House District 80.  An attorney by trade, she is currently the executive director for Georgians for Lawsuit Reform, where she works toward a fair, balanced and efficient civil justice system.

She is running to face U.S. Rep. Lucy McBath in Georgia’s 6th district, one of several Republican candidates but the only one who has elected experience. Currently, the 6th district roughly straddles the Perimeter of 285 from Cobb County over to DeKalb County but redistricting might change the boundaries by the time the election rolls around.

InsiderAdvantage talked with Hanson about why she is running and the priorities for her campaign.

Hanson kept her focus on the Democrats, declining to take any direct hits at any of her opponents but sticking to the script of Democratic radicalization.   

“I’m not running for Congress because I’m looking for a promotion, or because I’m looking to take up the family business,” said Hanson. “I’m running for Congress to put an end to the liberal policies that are crushing families like mine all across the 6th District – and as the only candidate in my race with a track record of winning tough races, I know I’m in the best position to take down Lucy McBath and restore strong, conservative leadership to GA-06.”

Asked about her priorities if elected, Hanson’s focus was on blocking the Democrats. “First of all, I’d work to end to Nancy Pelosi and Lucy McBath’s big government, tax-and-spend agenda that is driving up prices, increasing taxes, and killing jobs. I’d take a strong stand against the ‘defund the police’ agenda that has caused significant police officer vacancies and record-high homicides in cities like Atlanta,” said Hanson. “And I’d fight back against the radical liberal agenda that has taken root in our communities – from CRT, to vaccine mandates, to federalized elections and the woke cancel culture mob that has already cost Georgia millions.”

Hanson points to her experience previously winning a tight race as something that sets her apart in a year where Republicans will need to win every seat with a chance to take back the House. “Republicans need just five seats to take back the House and put an end to Nancy Pelosi’s liberal agenda – so we cannot leave the race for GA-06 up to chance. As the only candidate in my race who has won a toss-up election in the 6th Congressional District, I know what it takes to win competitive seats – and I am the only one who can beat Lucy McBath in 2022.”

Hanson credits her experience growing up as informing her politics. In a less polarized era, politics wasn’t at the center of the family table but the values that were instilled there cemented her politics for today.

“Growing up, my dad had a part-time job that guaranteed us quality healthcare. My mom was a teacher. They worked tirelessly to provide for me and my siblings to make sure we would have the best opportunities they could afford. We learned early on that faith, family, and hard work were the keys to a better life. We didn’t talk much about “Republican” versus “Democrat;” I developed my political leanings based on how I was raised, not what I was taught,” said Hanson.

“As I look around today, it’s clear that the American Dream I was blessed to live is being killed by the radical policies of the far Left. As Congresswoman for Georgia’s 6th Congressional District, I will work around the clock to end the liberal agenda, restore conservative leadership, and revive the American Dream for my own kids, and the millions of kids across this great nation.”