Gov. Kemp Signs Legislation Cutting Red Tape for Women-, Minority-, and Veteran-owned Businesses

Staff Report

Tuesday, April 25th, 2023

Governor Brian P. Kemp, accompanied by First Lady Marty Kemp, Rep. Soo Hong, Sen. Mike Hodges, local and state leaders, and representatives from the state’s business community, signed House Bill 128 into law today at a ceremony in Augusta.

The bill, sponsored by Representative Soo Hong and co-sponsored by Representatives Steven Sainz, Josh Bonner, Reynaldo Martinez, Al Williams, and David Huddleston and carried in the Senate by Senator Mike Hodges, received overwhelming, bipartisan support in both chambers of the General Assembly.

HB 128 is a product of the Governor’s executive order issued on July 13, 2022, which directed the Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) to address challenges that small businesses’ experience in the state procurement process, with a particular focus on minority-owned, women-owned, and veteran-owned businesses.

Among other improvements, the bill streamlines the state certification process, expands opportunity for minority-owned, women-owned, and veteran-owned businesses within the state procurement process, and gives DOAS the authority to verify and accept certifications from other certifying organizations.

"I want to thank Commissioner Rebecca Sullivan and her team at the Department of Administrative Services; my floor leaders, Representative Soo Hong and Senator Mike Hodges; and the members of the Georgia General Assembly for their great work in getting this crucial bill to my desk for signature,” said Governor Brian Kemp. “This legislation is not only good for our minority-, women- and veteran-owned businesses, but also good for our entire state. By cutting red tape and ensuring that these businesses are well-equipped to compete for state contracts, we are further building on the promise to keep Georgia the best state to find opportunity."

In addition to HB 128, Governor Kemp also signed SB 213 and HB 230.

SB 213, sponsored by Sen. Max Burns, Sen. Russ Goodman, Sen. Chuck Payne, Sen. Sam Watson, Sen. Clint Dixon, and Sen. Randy Robertson and carried in the House by Rep. Dale Washburn, enables property owners to replace an existing manufactured home with a newly built manufactured home without running into bureaucratic restrictions.

HB 230, sponsored by Rep. Mark Newton, Rep. Brian Prince, Rep. Gloria Fraizer, Rep. Lynn Gladney, and Rep. Karlton Howard and carried in the Senate by Sen. Max Burns, provides for a voter’s referendum to decide on implementing a qualified consolidated government special purpose local option sales tax to support the financing of a proposed renovation project to the James Brown Arena in downtown Augusta.