Survey Data Reveals: Job Security Worries at an All-time High in the US

Staff Report

Tuesday, April 25th, 2023

ProfessionalResumeWriters has commissioned a survey of 2,000 individuals regarding the state of employment in the US. We believe that our survey findings could be of interest to your readership. 92% of the respondents shared that they were currently employed and our analysis of the data focuses on this group. The analysis examines various career fields and highlights job security concerns at various seniority levels. The findings support the growing economic concerns between lower wage earners and those in the upper echelons.

Here are some of the key findings:

  • 66% of executives are now worried about job security in 2023. The highest of any of the levels surveyed.

  • Overall, worry about job security has increased by 49% but for those early in their careers their worry increased 91% over last year with nearly half of entry-level workers reporting being worried about job security in 2023.

  • 21% of workers said that job security has been impacted by working from home

  • 97% of Entry-Level workers feel like they have been impacted by the rise in cost of living

  • Surprisingly, Executives feel like they have not been paid fairly in-line with inflation

  • 6 out of 10 people are looking to change careers

  • Overall, worry about job security has increased by 111% for those with bachelor degrees

Here is a link to the full findings (