The Riverbend Group Acknowledges Importance of George Clooney’s Upcoming Movie, “The Boys in the Boat” for Seattle, the Sport of Rowing and Companies Needing Alignment

Tuesday, December 5th, 2023

The Riverbend Group, an experience-based leadership development company based in Atlanta, announces the sixth year of its highly sought ONE Rowingâ  program in continued partnership with the George Pocock Rowing Foundation, the Pocock Rowing Center and the University of Washington. While the 2016 documentary, “The Boys of ‘36,” offers a historical look at the unprecedented journey of the nine young men on the 1936 U.S. Olympic Rowing Team, Daniel James Brown’s book, “The Boys in the Boat,” set up the eventual movie fanfare. Releasing this holiday season, Clooney’s motion picture film, which already has Oscar buzz, may do for rowing what Ted Lasso has done for soccer [football] in the U.S.  

Enter The Riverbend Group and ONE Rowingâ

Under the mantra “One Crew. One Boat. One Voice,” ONE Rowingâ participants undergo an immersive, multi-day program that applies techniques from rowing to train teams on how determination, trust and alignment can lead to successful outcomes. Set in Seattle, the program takes a chapter from the history books, looking back at the awesome feat of the nine young men winning gold. Thanks to a long-standing relationship with the George Pocock Rowing Foundation, the famed shell builder whose brand, family and shell house remain ever present at Portage Bay, The Riverbend Group can offer clients a glimpse into the past while providing lessons for the future.   

“Rowing is the perfect teaching tool for business,” explains Doreen Linneman, CEO and founder of The Riverbend Group. “Because you can put nine of the best athletes in the world in a boat, but if they can’t work together, that boat won’t move. It’s the same with a boardroom or a corporate team – you can have all the talent in the world,  but without alignment and trust, nothing gets accomplished and success cannot be achieved.

“ONE Rowingâ is not for every company’s team. It’s experiential learning, and you have to be ready to engage. In this situation, the experience is a little of what those ‘Boys of ‘36’ accomplished on those hallowed waters some 87 years ago,” says Cece Berger Sharp, The Riverbend Group’s president and COO. “There’s an element of humbleness to it. Too often, we see people who have framed leadership through a competitive lens. They equate being leaders with being the strongest or the best, and that’s not how it works. True leadership requires trust and an understanding of your team. It’s recognizing the value of individuals and seeing how they best fit in the larger picture.”

ONE Rowingâ has been part of Riverbend’s offerings for over five years, teaching teams big and small the value of alignment by putting them on the water. Unique in program and experience, Riverbend anticipates the story of the young men from the University of Washington, as told by Clooney, will no doubt create a frenzy around rowing in America.  

Adds Berger Sharp, “We would love to take as many companies through the ONE Rowingâ program as we can. Given the increased attention and demand, we encourage our clients to book a slot as soon as possible.” 

Visit to learn more about ONE Rowingâand to book your team’s remarkable experience.