Project Community Connections Announces New Board Members

Monday, January 22nd, 2024

Project Community Connections, Inc. (PCCI) is pleased to announce Patricia Luna and Maxwell Ruppersburg have joined the organization’s board of directors. The addition of these board members brings additional expertise and support for the organization’s work to develop and implement solutions to permanently rehouse people experiencing homelessness into appropriate, affordable homes as efficiently as possible.

  • Patricia Luna Patricia Lunacurrently works as a senior program officer with Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, deploying loan and grant capital for affordable housing projects. Prior to serving at CFGA, she spent more than 20 years as a lending lawyer, with expertise in Low Income Housing Tax Credit transactions. She also oversaw the lending efforts for LISC Atlanta. She is a graduate of the University of Georgia and University of Texas School of Law. 
  • Maxwell Ruppersburg, MPA, PMP, is the director of the Office of Supportive Housing with the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, where he works to advance evidence-based practices and supports a people-centered approach to preventing and ending homelessness for individuals with a psychiatric disability. Previously, Maxwell served in local government management and helped co-found and led a small policy think tank focused on criminal justice reform in Georgia. 

“We are grateful for the commitment Patricia and Maxwell have made to support our organization,” said Margaret Schuelke, who serves alongside Jimiyu Evans as PCCI’s co-executive director. “Their perspectives and leadership will help us grow our efforts to not only rapidly re-house people, but to also explore how our successes can inspire broader change to end homelessness.”

The PCCI board of directors is made up of leaders in the community development and human services fields and local corporate executives who help the organization secure support and reach their goals.

PCCI would like to thank those members who are concluding their terms on our board of directors, including:

  • Richard “Rick” Heermans: 2016-2023
  • Melissa Faye Manrow: 2010-2023
  • Kyle Rollins: 2018-2023
  • Janelle Beasley: 2021-2023