Literacy Action Announces Closure, Concluding Impactful Journey

Friday, September 8th, 2023

Literacy Action, Inc., a prominent adult literacy not-for-profit organization, regrets to announce the forthcoming closure of its doors, expected to be effective at the end of September 2023. After thorough evaluation and exploration of sustainable options, the leadership and governance board of Literacy Action have regrettably concluded that continuing operations is no longer viable.  

For years, Literacy Action has been dedicated to addressing the crucial need for adult literacy services within our community. However, the changing landscape of literacy and the increased complexity of the challenges have presented formidable obstacles. Despite best efforts, Literacy Action has been unable to secure consistent and adequate funding sources to establish a stable operational foundation and sustain the organization's critical work. 

"We arrived at this decision after careful consideration of numerous alternatives. Our goal has always been to make a lasting impact by empowering individuals through literacy,” said Blake McDaniel, Chair of Literacy Action’s Board of Trustees. “Unfortunately, the challenges we face in today's environment have proven insurmountable."  

Over the years, Literacy Action has strived to attract and retain exceptional talent, but the escalating compensation requirements and scarcity of the required specialized resources have hindered its ability to assemble and maintain a fully staffed team. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the challenges of a limited operating budget, making it difficult to effectively rebound and deliver the necessary services to the community following the pandemic. Despite stretching itself to meet the ever-growing demands, the increasing complexity of program requirements and the resource-intensive nature of their development remain tremendous obstacles. 

While the closure of Literacy Action is undeniably disheartening, the organization remains committed to ensuring a smooth transition for our students, staff, and the broader community. Literacy Action is actively working with partner organizations to facilitate the transfer of both talent and resources, so that the mission of adult literacy continues to be pursued.  

"Our hope is that the impact of Literacy Action will continue through the efforts of other dedicated individuals and organizations committed to adult literacy,” added Winnifer Cox, Development Chair of Literacy Action’s Board of Trustees. “We are immensely grateful for the support we have received over the years, and we extend our deepest appreciation to all our partners, staff, volunteers, and community members who have been instrumental in our journey."  

As Literacy Action prepares to close its doors, the organization reflects on the spark it ignited over the last 50 years within the community, leaving an indelible mark on countless lives. The board and staff are immensely proud of the work accomplished and express gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the organization's success. 

For further information or inquiries, please contact: Blake McDaniel at [email protected].