CREW Atlanta Announces Shining Light, Deal of the Year and Chapter Award Winners

Friday, January 12th, 2024

Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW) Atlanta, one of the largest of more than 80 CREW Network chapters globally, named Stacy Robinson as the 2023 Shining Light award winner at its December meeting – 1 Industry + Two Fireballs. The Shining Light Award recipient is selected each year by the CREW Atlanta president for working tirelessly behind the scenes to promote the CREW Atlanta mission and setting a standard for the organization’s membership and peers in the industry. 

With 20 years of experience in commercial real estate specializing in office design and furniture, Robinson is a business development manager for The HON Company, where she is responsible for driving growth in the rapidly changing office furniture industry by defining and directing marketing and business development strategies to outperform competitors and close deals. She joined CREW Atlanta in 2023, and immediately became an active volunteer of several committees, attending almost every CREW Atlanta event this year. As a new volunteer to the CREW Atlanta annual golf tournament from which proceeds benefit The Atlanta Women’s Foundation, Robinson singlehandedly raised $10,000 in sponsorship dollars. 

This year, CREW Atlanta introduced a new award that recognizes an entire team for a project of significance that includes multiple CREW members: The Deal of the Year. This award celebrates the degree of networking, collaboration and engagement of CREW members in the deal as well as the overall impact of the deal in the industry. This year’s Deal of the Year recipients are Reshell Baldini of 5 Star Office Furniture and Karmen Blackwell of Brixmor. Having met through the CREW Atlanta Leadership program in 2020, they finally had the opportunity to work together on the exterior refresh of a Marietta, Georgia shopping center where they reimagined the use of space to provide a more entertaining yet functional area for patrons of the center. The success of this project has led to additional shared projects in Florida.

Additionally, the Atlanta organization affiliated with advancing women in commercial real estate since 1982, announced the winners of four chapter awards: 

  • Rising Star Award winner Lily Stancill of communications 21;

  • New Member of the Year Sheryl Alberico of iugis Construction;

  • Committee Member of the Year Gina Lee of Lee Consulting; and

  • President’s Award winners Greer Gallagher of Holder Construction and Sarabeth Lewis of Branch Properties for their amazing leadership in CREW Atlanta’s hosting of the 2023 CREW Network International Convention.


“As a volunteer organization, CREW Atlanta is only able to do the transformative work that we do in creating a stronger and more equitable commercial real estate industry because of members like Stacy, Reshell, Karmen, Lily, Sheryl, Gina, Greer and Sarabeth,” said Trina Joseph, managing partner at Coro Realty and CREW Atlanta president. “I am inspired by their commitment to the CREW Atlanta mission and am honored to work with them to see our vision of a more inclusive industry become a reality.”