Gov. Kemp Appoints GHA President & CEO to Chair Comprehensive Health Coverage Commission

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Friday, June 14th, 2024

On Tuesday, June 11th, Gov. Brian Kemp appointed GHA President and CEO Caylee Noggle as chairperson of the Comprehensive Health Coverage Commission. This newly created commission, effective July 1, is part of HB 1339, Rep. Butch Parrish’s Certificate of Need Reform bill. The group will advise on issues related to access and quality of health care for Georgia’s low-income and uninsured residents. Other appointments will soon complete the eight-member group, with three positions being selected by Lt. Gov. Burt Jones, three by House Speaker Jon Burns, and one position each being selected by the minority leaders of the House and Senate. 

“I'm excited to chair the Comprehensive Health Coverage Commission and to work with the other Commission members on issues related to access and quality healthcare for Georgia's low-income populations, and I'm honored that Governor Kemp has entrusted me with this important role,” said Caylee Noggle. “There have been numerous ideas and encouraging conversations about improving health care delivery for all Georgians in recent years, and this commission serves as another opportunity to take a closer look at options Georgia's policymakers may consider to support Georgia's Medicaid members, health care providers, and service delivery agencies.”