Judge Christopher E. Ward Elected Chief Judge of The Municipal Court of Atlanta
Tuesday, June 11th, 2024
The Honorable Christopher E. Ward has been elected Chief Judge of the Municipal Court of Atlanta. By majority vote of his colleagues on the bench, Judge Ward will immediately assume the responsibilities of the office. He succeeds Judge Christopher T. Portis who has served as Chief Judge since 2018.
Judge Ward was appointed to the Municipal Court of Atlanta in 2012. His contributions to the court have included the design and implementation of efficient case flow management systems in various divisions of the court. Having served as Deputy Chief Judge since 2018, Judge Ward is committed to optimizing resources to help citizens more easily navigate and resolve issues before the court. He is dedicated to enhancing the status of the Municipal Court of Atlanta, the largest court of any type in the southeast region, as best in class.
For Judge Ward’s complete biography, visit https://court.atlantaga.gov/judges-information/judge-christopher-e-ward