CEO Roundtable is Now Accepting Applications

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Wednesday, August 7th, 2024

The Cobb Chamber is excited to announce that applications are now open for the CEO Roundtable program. This initiative brings together metro area CEOs and top executives from diverse industries, providing a platform to collaborate, share insights, and address the challenges faced by today’s business leaders.

Participants in the CEO Roundtable Program have access to:

  • Engage in Meaningful Discussions: Connect with like-minded peers, consider fresh perspectives, and identify new growth opportunities for your business.

  • Problem-Solve Collective Challenges: Tackle critical business issues collectively, leading to solutions that help participants to navigate ever-evolving market conditions.

  • Expand Your Network: Forge strong, lasting relationships with influential business leaders, creating potential collaborations, partnerships, and exciting new business prospects.

Each roundtable group consists of 12 to 18 CEOs from non-competing businesses and meets monthly. Throughout the program year, there will also be additional educational and social events, enriching your experience and fostering a thriving business community. Through active participation, participants gain practical knowledge and invaluable counsel from experienced business leaders who may have encountered similar challenges in their own ventures.

“CEO Roundtable has been greatly beneficial. Having a wide variety of industries represented has helped me get a complete picture and has given me multiple perspectives,” said Arnold Huffman, CEO of Yalo, and CEO Roundtable participant. “The discussions are great input when thinking about our business, our preparation, and our next steps.”

To apply or learn more about the program, visit before the deadline on September 30,2024. The cost for Cobb Chamber members is $275 and non-members is $775.

For more information about CEO Roundtable, contact Jani Dix at 770-859-2335 or [email protected].