Gwinnett Commission Candidates Underscore the Importance of Business in Policy Making

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Thursday, October 10th, 2024

Candidates running for Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners emphasized the need for business input in making policy decisions that would impact the county’s economic vitality. Current County Chairwoman Nicole Love Hendrickson, District 1 Commissioner Kirkland Carden, republican candidate for District 1 Tim Le, and republican candidate for District 3 Bobby Howard shared this common sentiment during the recent Gwinnett Chamber Candidates Forum presented by Gateway85.

District 1 incumbent Kirkland Carden stated he would like to modernize the county’s website and promote the county’s entrepreneur center. Challenger Tim Le shared that he would further collaborate with local chambers of commerce, including international chambers. If elected, Bobby Howard stated he would focus on expanding business engagement opportunities through forums and advisory councils. Chairwoman Hendrickson shared the need for growing its economic development department and partnering with bi-lateral chambers of commerce.  

While support for this year’s Transit SPLOST Referendum was not unanimous, all candidates did express the importance of improving our transit system. Earlier this year, the Gwinnett Chamber Board of Directors unanimously voted to endorse the 2024 Transit SPLOST Referendum, a plan that will help reduce congestion, prioritize technology like synchronized traffic signals, and create jobs.

The forum was livestreamed on Facebook. Election Day is November 5 and early voting begins October 15. The deadline for registering to vote is October 7. To learn more about this year’s election, visit