About Amanda Bass

Authored 7 articles.

Currently, Amanda leads sales and marketing efforts at Communicorp, a Columbus-based subsidiary of Aflac, specializing in design-to-delivery marketing solutions.


  • Interactive Video: The Key to Real Customer Connections

    Features, September 07, 2016

    In today’s cluttered media space, research shows that video stands out as one of the most effective ways to reach potential customers. However, a perfect, polished video alone doesn’t automatically generate leads or sales.

  • Communicorp: 3 Ways to Strengthen Your Marketing Efforts with Photography

    Features, August 04, 2016

    Picture this: on a table sits a thick, juicy burger accented with lush green lettuce and bright red tomato slices between a soft bun. There may be a price listing and a meal description, but at the very sight of the burger, you can almost taste it.

  • Communicorp: Key Benefits of Innovative Fulfillment Solutions

    Features, June 30, 2016

    Finding creative ways to manage all of your marketing assets can be a challenge for any organization. Most marketers have various tools they only use for consumer engagement initiatives, and an entirely different suite of solutions for employee activities. Over time, marketers realize these materials must be continuously created, printed, packaged and stored in an organized way to facilitate access upon request, or to quickly ship when needed. Fortunately, there are innovative fulfillment solutions available in the marketplace to help address this pressing need.

  • Communicorp: Make it Personal with Innovative Print Solutions

    Features, June 13, 2016

    There’s no denying that we live in a digital world that is always competing for our attention – from downloading the latest app to watching videos and engaging in online chat sessions. While many of these digital platforms have infiltrated the marketing industry, some experts advise us to retain the power of traditional print to help you make a creative impact in the marketplace.

  • Communicorp: Simply Manage Your Creative Assets Using OnDemand Technologies

    Features, May 25, 2016

    With all of your graphic design elements in place, you may be wondering how to manage these creative assets throughout your entire organization. Well, technology is a great solution to your dilemma. To help you understand the various solutions that come into play and how they work, let’s walk through a real-world scenario.

  • How Augmented Reality Can Heat Up Summer Marketing Campaigns

    Features, August 25, 2015

    With interactive solutions constantly evolving, it’s no surprise that marketing leaders are constantly looking for new ways to use technology and stay abreast of the latest digital trends that consumers now crave. One interactive tool gaining a lot of popularity is augmented reality (AR), with more than 1.4 billion downloads of mobile AR applications expected by the end of this year alone. AR transforms static displays, point-of-purchase materials, print ads or marketing collateral into real-word environments.

  • Tips On Effective Ways to Market to Millennials

    Features, March 23, 2015

    The millennial generation has grown to be one of the largest populations in the United States, even outnumbering the baby boomer generation. And now, not only are they the largest group in America, but they are also the most financially influential group, representing more than $1.3 trillion in consumer spending power, according to the Hartman Group. Communicorp's Amanda Bass gives us some tips on marketing to this growing generation.