About Curt Finch

Authored 3 articles.

Curt Finch is the CEO of Journyx. Founded in 1996, Journyx automates payroll, billing and cost accounting while easing management of employee time and expenses, and provides confidence that all resources are utilized correctly and completely.


  • Talk About Bad Company: The True Cost of a Bad Hire

    Features, April 29, 2014

    Hiring the wrong person for a position is an expensive mistake for a company to make. In a recent Career Builder survey 42% of companies reported that a bad hire cost them at least $25,000 in the past year, and 25% reported a loss of at least $50,000. But for small companies, where every employee often juggles many important responsibilities, the cost of a bad hire can be even more devastating – up to $190,000 according to a report by Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.

  • How the New Overtime Law Changes Will Affect Small Businesses

    Features, April 01, 2014

    President Obama recently signed an executive order calling for new rules on overtime pay. Currently, salaried workers in executive, administrative and professional positions aren’t eligible for overtime pay if they make over $455 per week. The President suggested $600 or $640 as the new threshold – the current standards for New York and California.

  • What You Can Learn from Family Businesses

    Features, January 21, 2014

    For a while, the spread of corporate monopolies seemed destined to wipe out mom-and-pop shops for good. But family businesses demonstrated their resilience during the economic downturn, and now they’re stronger than ever. In fact, family-owned companies make up 90% of U.S. businesses. They are responsible for 80% of new jobs and 60% of all jobs in America.