About Anita Campbell

Authored 11 articles.

I am the Founder, CEO and Editor in Chief of this Small Business Trends site and the Small Business Trends newsletter. I am also the host of Small Business Trends Radio.


  • What it Takes to Build a Strong Company Culture

    Features, July 13, 2015

    Company culture is the accumulation of the attitudes and behaviors of everyone in your company — starting with you as the owner. If companies had personalities, your culture would be the personality of your company.

  • Don’t Expect To Sell Your Business To Fund That Golden Retirement

    Features, January 09, 2015

    Business owners who are expecting to sell their companies to fund their golden retirement years may be in for a surprise. They simply may not be able to sell their businesses when they want to, or get the amount they want from the sales.

  • Yet Another Delay for Obamacare, Until January 2016

    Features, February 12, 2014

    We’re at the point where we’ll soon need a spreadsheet to keep track of all the changes to Obamacare. On Monday the Obama Administration once again delayed a provision of the Affordable Care Act.

  • Small Businesses Once Again Create More Jobs Than Big Businesses

    Features, February 07, 2014

    Small businesses created almost double the new jobs in January 2014, compared with large businesses. And when you add growth among medium-sized businesses to the employment growth in small businesses, the numbers swamp the job growth of large corporations.

  • Small Business Optimism: Status Quo or Cautious Optimism?

    Features, January 27, 2014

    Small business owners tend to be optimistic by nature. You have to be, if you want to overcome the obstacles of running a business. Still, the economy has been pretty rough since 2008. Are there signs of improvement? If I had to sum it up based on two small business optimism surveys, I’d say it’s “status quo” or perhaps “cautious optimism.”

  • Postage Rates Going Up: How Will it Effect Your Business?

    Features, January 14, 2014

    The U.S. Postal Service will be charging higher postage rates effective later this month, starting January 26th. We take a look some of the increases likely to affect small businesses, and ways your business can do to save money on postage this year.

  • Government Shutdown Causes Small Business Loan Approval Rates to Fall in October

    Features, November 20, 2013

    The U.S. government shutdown in October had a significant negative impact on small business lending, according to the Biz2Credit Small Business Lending Index. Meanwhile, alternative lenders seized the opportunity and picked up the slack in small business lending.

  • Mobile Payments are Exploding: What You Need to Know

    Features, November 04, 2013

    Accepting payments via mobile device is becoming more and more mainstream. Right now, we are in the midst of a growth spurt that will see mobile payments in the U.S. hit $90 billion by 2017, according to a Forrester Research report released earlier this year. That’s up from $12.8 billion spent in 2012, the report states. It’s also easier than ever to join the party, and retailers have an almost overwhelming number of options.

  • Majority of U.S. Entrepreneurs Start Their Businesses at Home

    Features, October 21, 2013

    If you operate your business from home, you’re not alone. A recent survey of U.S. businesses indicates the majority of entrepreneurs do the same. And that’s not just in the startup phase either.

  • 70% of Small Business B2B Websites Lack A Call to Action

    Features, September 20, 2013

    Does your home page on your website have a call to action? In other words, does your website home page attempt to get the visitor to do something — besides simply read and leave?

  • 7 Ways Savvy Businesses Use Mobile

    Features, July 22, 2013

    It’s exciting to see small businesses jumping on the mobile revolution. I think it’s more noticeable with small businesses, because we’ve been conditioned to expect “old style” low tech ways of conducting business from smaller vendors. But today that’s simply no longer true.