Atlanta-based Izenda Receives Award of Fusion Contract from CDC
Staff Report From Metro Atlanta CEO
Thursday, June 30th, 2016
Izenda Inc. announced that it was selected for a sole source contract to provide the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services an annual Izenda Fusion Software license and Izenda Fusion support.
Izenda is the only company that can provide the ad-hoc reporting capabilities that can also integrate seamlessly with ASP.NET web applications. The pre-solicitation synopsis posted on stated other products did not meet the CDC’s requirements.
Izenda Fusion delivers dynamic real-time analytics from multiple databases and applications without having to do periodic ETL into a data warehouse. It gives instant insight into what’s happening across the entire organization in real time, and eliminates the need for costly and complex data warehousing projects.
Fusion intelligently caches report result sets. Even rich dashboards containing dozens of queries, taking minutes to run on multiple databases across the globe, can come back in a flash. It lets you connect to common data sources instantly and custom web services through an extensible API.
Izenda Fusion Software will integrate seamlessly into existing development projects with very little additional development, according to the CDC.
The product uses a browser-based report environment.
It does not require additional software to be installed before creating and running reports.
Izenda’s product does not require software development skills or training to successfully create and generate reports.
Fusion interfaces directly with Izenda ad-hoc reporting to provide multi-database support, business intelligence and analytics.
The procurement is for one 12-month base period and four 12-month option periods.